The Profile Item was used to access Statistics, Minigame Achievements and Settings.

Players got a Minigame Selector (Compass), Profile Item (Player Head), Collectibles (Chest), Player Visibility Toggle (Green/Gray Dye) and Lobby Selector (Nether Star) when joining the Lobby. These Lobbies served as the place where all Minigame-related things were done. Minigame Lobbies were added on the 21st of May 2021 when the Minigames revamp was released.

Players can also sit on the chairs (all the stairs) in the Lobby by right-clicking on them. There is a timer of 30 seconds before a match of Spleef begins, and at least 2 players are required for the game to start. The Spleef arena gives the players a Diamond Shovel. These notable members are the Owners and Administrators of MCCentral, as well as the former Administrators. There is also a Villager that lists notable members in a GUI. The Spleef room can be accessed by going up the stairs in the Main Lobby and going through a portal. The parkour extends around the whole island. In comparison to the previous version of the Lobby, players can fly and use Cosmetics in these. There are 2 rooms, those being a Spleef room and a Parkour room. The current Main Lobby has some special features that the players can use. The Premium Ranks item also used to be called Donator ranks before it was changed on the 3rd of February 2023. There also used to be a Minigame Stats item (Player Head) when Minigames were in the Main Lobby. There have been other items in the hotbar too, such as a Tutorial Book and an item to make other players invisible. The placement of the items in the player hotbar has varied a lot. There used to be a bone item that let the player choose Mounts, but this feature was removed on the 1st of April 2016. Upon joining the Main Lobby, players receive a Server Selector (Compass), Premium Ranks (Emerald), Collectibles (Chest), Player Visibility Toggle (Green/Gray Dye) and Lobby Selector (Nether Star). Premium Ranks are able to fly and all players get Night Vision effects to make the Lobby brighter. There is a lower area with the NPCs, 2 images with useful links, Voting Villagers and a launch pad. The Main Lobby is on an island which is surrounded by the void. In the Main Lobby NPCs show the player available sub-servers. Lobbies serve as the main nexus of the server. There are currently 2 public Lobbies and a Staff Lobby on Minecraft Central. Players can change Lobbies using the Nether Star in their inventory. Lobbies (also known as Hubs) are where the players spawn when they join the server.